about me
My name is Alexander, I am a dancer and artist from Russia. My creative path began in the Upsala-Circus project, where I studied acrobatics, juggling, and dance for 5 years. Then I graduated from the acting college in St. Petersburg, specializing in musical theater. Within this college, I realized my passion for dance and performance, and I embarked on various residencies, laboratories, and projects to study dance. The dance styles I study include contemporary, improvisation, experimental, and vogue.

I am currently in Europe (I don't have a specific home, I roam through different residencies and laboratories in different countries), where I dance and create various projects for at-risk dancers. In my works, I strive to leave the audience with questions. I love it when people leave the performance with personal questions about themselves, life, and others.

In the past year, I have been focusing on addressing social issues, immigration, and its challenges in my dance works. These performances are not only for immigrants; immigration is just a starting point for creating the performance, and within the work, I create dance in such a way that each viewer finds their own personal path.

My life goal is to further explore new ways in the dance world, combine the incongruous and in the future create a dance troupe with which I will create joint projects.
I am a tool. Art just gives me signs of what to do, and
then, as i recently heard, I will end. Art will live, and I I'll run out. And you will end, we will all end. If Art were a person, it would be a skinny girl who uses others and enjoys. People know about it, but they don't do anything, how beautiful she is, some even dream for the devil to use them. We give her all our strength, and she just looks down on all this and mocks. She's also very hypocritical. With some she is very kind, affectionate, and with others she is as tough as ever. Narcissistic, hypocritical bitch. You shouldn't take my version as the right one, I just wanted to look at art from the antagonist's side. I enjoyed it.
What is a forced distance relationship? This is a gap between your loved one and an attempt to save them, although your geographical location does not allow it. How do couples exist with each other during the war period when you are separated from each other? Why do the circumstances of the world not give us the opportunity not to love and embrace our person?
This performance is dedicated to the search for true love, what love is and how it manifests itself in forced distance relationships.

This work is in my development, this project was invited to the SWAN residence in Sweden for further research.
In August 2022 I went to the laboratory FIELD:BODY where I put my solo work “Field is my Love".

The wedding of a field and a person without a gender disposition. A household wedding with a large table, toast and drinking alcohol flows into a completely intimate and tender feeling with the field. The symbiosis of everyday and mythical.
Performance-letter for all those with whom Sasha has not seen for more than a year. How has the attitude towards close people changed when you don't see them for more than a year? What is networking and how does it affect a person? How distance affects relationships, how external society affects the love of the past.
january 2021 Dance intensity ADEPT DANCE with such choreographers as: Alexey Rukinov, Kolya Bagdasaryan, Vasko Nasonov, Danya Sakhanov and others.
december 2021 Winter residence of modern dance from the STD of the Russian Federation.
february 2022 art lab “Factory of Lost and Found Dreams”
marth 2022 Maslenitsa in Nikola-Lenivets, director: Oleg Zhukovsky.
marth 2022 Maslenitsa in culture house “Guslitsa”
marth 2022 Interdisciplinary Laboratory of Contemporary Dance from Radi Sveta with Yaroslav Frantsev.(Ufa)
april 2022 Performance “Sand" in Sevkabel Port from Mikhail Zubov.
jule 2022 Performance “The Wailing Wall" for the ARCHSTOY 2022 with Nu Simakina
august-september 2022 Laboratory participant FIELD:BODY with Irina Malaya
september 2022 Participant of the laboratory “Action” in the STD ot the Russian Federation from Alexandra Konnikova and Alberts Alberts.
october 2022 Participant of the performance "TEMP[O]REALITY" at the Tbilisi Architecture Biennale
october 2022 My Performance “107GEL” in Night of Performances in Tbilisi
april-may 2023 Performance “IN C” with Natia Chikvaidze where I was helper and work with guys with down syndrome.
april 2023 My team took first place in the Georgian International Hip-Hop Dance Olympiad.
december 2023-january 2024 Art-residency "Dansinitiativet"
January 2024-february 2024 art-residency "Norrdans" where I studied at Emma rozgoni, Manuel ronda, Elke schroeder, Amelis Riquelme Nicoletti, David Norsworthy.

I created my own art group “Commas”, where I together with college students, created, discussed and studied performances. One of the topics that touched us very much is “Isn't it a shame to study in college? How to talk about your education.” For all the time the group had the following works:
Performance “ART” april 2021
Performance “Mixing of colors” may 2021
Performance “Emptiness” june 2021
Performance open-call “FEAR”, october 2021
Performance “fish falls in love with a bird”, november 2021
BLAST is an interactive-plastic performance where the goal is to create visual digital art through sound, where the bridge of communication between the two is the performers.
In performance art we explore the connection of dance, sound and digital art as well as the roles within performance art. Who is the dancer, who is the sound designer, and who is the director of the action? What if the viewer can also take on one of the roles already during the performance? Can the viewer just take the dancers and try to create their own story through them?
ITogether with the art group "CONCON" I organized an evening of solo performances "Mkholod Ak", in which we talked about performances that we could not show in our countries of origin. This is the event in which 9 artists create solo performances in the format of a promenade performance, in which they share their impressions about emigration. How do they live? What kind of discomfort are they experiencing? What does home mean to them? What is escape? What is good in a new country and what is bad?
The event takes place in a techno club, which means that the performance itself has the format of a cultural rave. Towards the end of the performance it turns into a dance jam which absolutely anyone can join and start moving, dancing and performing.
This project was carried out twice, in May 2023 and November 2023. At each event there were new artists, new faces who wanted to share their feelings about emigration.
A performative jam where dancers of different styles clashed in the same room and danced together in completely different styles. The idea of this event originated a long time ago when all dance communities were separated from each other. Hip-hop, contemporary, vogue... I can list many styles, but they never interacted with each other.
There is a small dance community in Georgia and the purpose of this event was to bring this community together and dance together. As a result, 100+ dancers came to the techno club and went out and danced in a jam format, sometimes solo, sometimes with each other.
“CONCON (CONnection CONversion) is a platform for the implementation of contemporary art performances in Europe.”

This project was created for artists (mainly performative) in exile who cannot adapt in a new country, who are not given a job because of their nationality, gender, orientation, etc. Within this project, our task was to create an open safe space where performance artists could show their work and share their personal creativity with the audience.
In fact, this is a project within which events, festivals, and performances are created throughout Europe and beyond.

At the moment, CONCON has 3 successful projects:
All the design, photos and videos were also made by me.
2016-2019 One-time circus master classes from the “Upsala-Circus” organization.

November 2019 Autumn children's expedition "GreenCamp" "Research Institute of Recreation" in the role of a counselor/teacher of circus art.

July 2019 and August 2021, June 2022 Jewish Summer camp "J CAMP" as a teacher of circus.

Autumn 2019 Assistant teacher of theater arts in the organization "Upsala-Circus" Roman Alexandrov.

July 2021 Sergey Kuznetsov's MARABOU Camp (Serbia), where I first counseled and then taught performance art.

september 2021 - march 2022 Teacher dance/performance at the College “Lokon”.

october 2022 - december 2022 IMPROVISATION and VOGUE dance open classes.

april-may 2023 Performance “IN C” with Natia Chikvaidze where I was helper and work with guys with down syndrome.

february 2023 - now Dance Teacher in PremieraArt Space.

august 2023 - now Circus Teacher in Liberty Kids Space.
Art dir.: Larisa Afanaseva
Teacher: Yaroslav Mitrofanov

Madrikh School (jew. school for teachers)
Teacher: Ksenia Garbar

Actors College “Lokon”
Musical Theater Actor and Teacher
Masters: Ulyanov K.I./ Kirillov D.L.

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